Antoinette May/Minerva
Sierra Lodestar Feature Articles
Foothill Authors
One Page at a Time

book club
Dinner for Your day
There's a Party for Everyone

Foothill Treasures
Merry Christmas to All
and to all a good read

Foothill Treasures
Mokelumne Hill Graveyards
Hong Kong Shopping

Foothill Treasures
Shop Till You Swoon
Hong Kong Shopping

Foothill Treasures
Dining Favorites
The Favorites of the Foothills

Foothill Treasures
Sierra Scribes
Writers Leave Their Marks on the Foothills

Foothill Treasures
Dorrington Hotel
Rooms with a Past

Foothill Treasures
Leger Hotel
Everything is new again

Foothill Treasures
Give Up Their Ghosts

Pictures coming soon
A Bear Could Be Somebody’s Grandmother
Pictures coming soon
Daffodil Hill--The New Gold Rush
Pictures coming soon
Foothill Treasures
Foothill Treasures
Ashland Oregon
The Play's the Thing

Foothill Treasures
Roaring Camp

Foothill Treasures
Beans Brew
in Amador

Foothill Treasures
Theater Group
Calls people

Ashland Theater

Copyright © 2002-2020 Antoinette May